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7 Heartbreaking Signs You Lost A Good Woman

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signs she was a good woman, signs you lost a good girlfriend, signs you lost a good wife

Modern men and women are a mess. Their priorities are not in order, their masculine and feminine energy is imbalanced, and their ability to fill the shoes of a loving partner leaves much to be desired. It is hard to find a good woman and easy to lose one. In this article, I’m going to share a list of signs you lost a good woman.

Here’s what I know, if you lost a good woman, you need to address the issues that led to the end of your relationship. 

Time after time, I preach to men all over the world to work on themselves but they ignore me because they are unwilling to put in the work to grow. 

Chasing after your ex may not be the solution but leveling up your understanding of women and relationships is.

When vetting a woman, you have to remove beauty from the picture and zoom into her character and behavior as a partner. We guys are willing to sell a lie to ourselves for a beautiful woman.

Beautiful women are abundant. 

There’s no shortage of beautiful women because everyone is striving for validation on social media apps.

The standard for beauty has been inflated to such a point that most women make more of an effort to look good than ever before.

But, beauty is never enough.

Only men who are deprived of beautiful women cannot look beyond physical beauty.

I have been on this planet long enough and experienced enough over the last decade to know that some of the most beautiful women can be the most unstable, gold digging, disloyal, backstabbing, uninteresting, and uncaring people to walk on this planet.

They can afford to be that way because they have access to an abundance of validation and ease due to their good looks.

This is why you have to be extremely selective about who you allow into your life. More importantly, you have to understand what it means to have a good woman in your life or else your entire love life will be a culmination of disappointment, drama, and disaster.

The following list of signs you lost a good woman is based on all my experience, research, and consultations with couples from around the globe.

You need to read this article: How to tell if your girlfriend is losing interest

If you would like a step-by-step explanation on how to get an ex back or to re-attract someone who lost interest, grab a copy of my ebook called Reconcile. I put this guide together for serious students of the game who want to cut through the fluff and get results in their love life. Click Here To Check It Out! 

What Makes A Woman A Good Partner

signs you lost a good woman

1. She was loyal

If you really think about it, as a man who wants to provide for, protect, and honor the woman in his life, the only thing he really needs from her is exclusivity.

Above everything else, loyalty and exclusive access to her is all that matters.

That isn’t as common as you would think because far too many women have access to men than ever before. 

Finding someone who respects you enough to remain loyal and to avoid other men who have an interest in her is undeniably valuable.

A lot of guys don’t care that a woman is taken or spoken for.

They will say and do whatever they have to for their own selfish intentions. We know this. We’ve seen it happen time and time again. 

Men who don’t operate from a space of integrity don’t care about doing what’s right or wrong. They’ll project an image of honor and kindness but they will have the most selfish, immoral, and vindictive intentions.

It is a woman’s responsibility to not entertain and allow other men into her orbit when she is in a relationship.

She has to deny the free attention and resources to protect her relationship with you and to honor you as her man.

If a woman exhibited this behavior with you, she’s a keeper. For this reason, it’s the number one sign you lost a good woman. 

You need to read this article: What is considered cheating in a relationship?

2. She was nurturing

The word nurture is thrown around a lot but without much context. 

The assumption with some is that it means to be mothered but that is far from the truth.

A nurturing woman exhibits certain behaviors and traits that support you in being the kind of man that you are.

If she speaks highly of you, supports your mission, offers an escape from the harshness of reality, and is a safe haven for you, then she is nurturing.

Cooking for you is just icing on the cake.

It’s her beautiful feminine essence that provides nurture to a man who has to dial into his masculine energy which often presents itself as drive, assertiveness, force, and so forth.

That has become increasingly difficult to find since a lot of women lean more into their masculine energy nowadays.

If you had a woman who was able to hold onto her soft, nurturing, and feminine side, then I’m afraid to say that you lost a good woman. 

3. She was respectful of boundaries

Do you know what emasculates a man in a romantic relationship?

It’s not when a woman usurps some of his roles as the man in the relationship. It’s not even when she complains. It’s when she violates and disrespects your boundaries and values as a man without any fear of losing you.

I know that a lot of men talk a big game but when push comes to shove, they won’t walk away from a woman who does this.

I’ve been that kind of guy at one point in my life.

You will never get anywhere in life by allowing someone to exert such disrespectful power over you without standing up for yourself or walking away from them.

The responsibility rests on your shoulders to express your boundaries but it doesn’t help when you are dealing with the wrong type of woman.

On the flip side, a woman who is respectful of your boundaries and values your presence in the relationship is a good woman.

Why is respect so important?

Because a person will never truly love you if they don’t respect you.

And sometimes, women test you with disrespect to see if you respect yourself enough to stand up for yourself.

But, it helps when you’re with a woman who already respects you, your boundaries, and your values. 

It’s easy to take this type of woman seriously because she takes you seriously.

4. She was honest

So many relationships could be wonderful and so many divorces could be avoided if people exercise more honesty with each other.

It would be easier to work through issues and you could sleep peacefully knowing that you can trust your partner to be an open book.

The thing about a good liar is that they can deceive you into believing that they are open and honest.

You’re never going to have a good relationship with lies. The truth always comes out and it will chip away at the foundation of the relationship.

If she was really honest with you at all times, then it’s definitely one of the signs you lost a good woman.

5. She was respectful to your family

One of the leading arguments in a lot of marriage pertains to inlaws.

You will never have a peaceful life if you are married to someone who is disrespectful to your family.

Don’t get me wrong, disrespect isn’t just vocalized.

Disrespect extends to a lack of consideration, a bad attitude, poor effort, violation of boundaries, and coldness.

You lost a good woman who treated your family with respect, love, kindness, and consideration, especially if your family are difficult people to deal with.

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6. She was a source of peace

Unless you are with a good woman, your relationship and life must have been chaotic.

There are some women who are utterly turned off by stability and simplicity. There are also girls who have issues that show up in a relationship as toxicity, disagreeableness, flakeyness, and argumentative.

When you have been through that and find yourself a good woman, she will bring you peace and comfort.

That’s not to say that she’ll be boring or that you won’t have disagreements and arguments from time to time.

But, she’ll find excitement and joy in doing fun things with you rather than stirring up trouble within the relationship.

The worse type are those who invite danger into your life.

7. She motivated you to pursue your mission in life

This is perhaps one of the most overlooked signs you lost a good woman.

When you examine some of the best relationships out there and look at the happiest couples, you’ll often find that they are supportive and motivating to each other.

Men without a mission in life are destined for depression and mediocrity. That’s just my personal view on the matter.

The masculine prerogative is to seek out conquest.

When you find a woman who is in support of your mission and purpose and who motivates you to pursue excellence through positive reinforcement, that’s when a man thrives.

You need to read this article: How to cope with a breakup you don’t want

Final Thoughts

Our brains have something called the RAS (reticular activating system) which is responsible for pointing out things that we focus on or develop a relationship with.

For instance, if you purchased a black Tesla, you’ll begin to notice black Tesla’s whenever you’re on the road whereas you didn’t before. 

A sudden surge in Tesla owners isn’t the reason why you suddenly notice these cars on the road all the time. Your RAS has developed a relationship with this color car and now it draws your attention to them.

Similarly, if you develop a deep relationship with the characteristics of a good woman, your RAS will start to recognize these traits and behaviors when they appear around you in certain women.

It becomes easier to find good women when you know what to look for and are hyper aware of that behavior and traits.

So, my hope is that you are able to learn from this experience of losing a good woman and understanding why she was a good woman. Because you’re upset about losing her, you’ll probably be more attracted and appreciative of someone like her in the future.

Don’t lose hope.

You’ll find someone good again or you’ll get her back.

I hope you found this article on signs you lost a good woman to be useful. if you would like my help with getting an ex back, check out my services page for more information on how to get in contact with me.

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