Relationships would be so much easier if we had an inside look into what our loved ones were thinking and feeling. Communication helps but sometimes, we have to rely on our perception of reality. That’s where the signs she loves you come into play.
By familiarizing yourself with this complete list of signs she loves you, it becomes ridiculously simple to avoid messing up an opportunity to have a beautiful and fulfilling relationship with her.
All you really have to do is pay attention to what she says and what she does to get a better understanding of how she feels about you.
You have to approach her each time with an open mind so that you get the best picture of what’s happening with her.
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Signs That A Woman Loves You
1. She is loyal
Loyalty is at the top of any list even pertaining to relationships and love. It’s the kind of quality and behavior that matters most in the grand scheme of things.
If you really analyze love, it is a way of being more so than it is a way of just feeling. Loving someone is an active emotion and comes from acts of service to the one you deeply care about.
My perspective on loyalty has changed.
Anyone can claim to be loyal but it is only when they are tested that you will see the degree of loyalty they have towards you.
Loyalty can also be a character trait wherein an individual will exercise commitment to you whether there’s love or not.
Having a loyal person love you and choose to be loyal to you as well is like hitting the jackpot.
So, if she’s avoiding and rejecting other guys for you and displaying high levels of loyalty, then she’s displaying one of the top signs she loves you.
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2. She compliments you frequently
Some women are kind with their words while others are not. But, one thing they both share in common is adoration for the man they love and they’ll vocalize it.
You’ll even observe a look of love, lust and adoration in her eyes when she looks at you.
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She’ll randomly declare attraction for certain features you possess and her compliments will be sincere.
Most women are afraid of complimenting men because they don’t want to give the wrong impression.
So, if she’s dropping compliments all the time, you better believe that this is a sign she loves you.
3. She texts you daily
When a woman loves you, she’ll always make time to text you.
You’ll be on her mind often and whenever she feels a strong desire to be with you, she’ll reach out.
The more she reaches out and texts you, the more she wants to feel your presence.
The only caveat is if she has friend-zoned you. Women who friendzone you may text you often for validation, attention and for emotional support or entertainment.
If you’re doing things correctly and giving her some space to miss you by pursuing a balanced life, chances are such that she’ll text you in hopes of you making another date with her.
Pay attention to the quality of her texts. If they’re flirty, cute, complimentary, playful, enthusiastic and open, she probably loves you or has a great degree of fondness for you.
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4. She tries to see you often
As mentioned above, when a woman loves you, her natural inclination is to be around you as much as possible.
She wants to shower you with love while also feeling your presence and feelings for her.
Most of us enjoy the feeling of being loved, desired and wanted.
The more into you she is, the more likely it is that she’ll want to be around you to feel desired and so forth.
I wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t wait for you to ask her out but brings up getting together and seeing you.
Women who love you make it very easy for you to be with them.
Rarely will she ever blow you off!
In fact, she’d probably be willing to drop what she’s doing at times to be with you.
5. She starts ignoring other guys
Women are inundated with texts from guys who are trying to win their approval. As long as she’s on social media, then you know this to be true.
Perhaps there are other guys in the background who have opted to take the friendship route to be with her as well.
Once she falls in love with you, more often than not, those guys struggle to get any replies from her.
She’ll be so busy with you and trying to gain your attention, that she won’t waste her time with these guys.
It may even reach a point where she ignores guy friends who have a thing for her just to focus on you.
6. She talks about the future with you
The only time a woman will talk about the future with you and make definite plans is if she’s interested in you or in love with you.
She may bring up going to special events together, getting married, traveling together or spending a lot more time together.
If you find that these future plans start to materialize and she’s following through with her words, then the chances of her loving you are strong.
7. She can’t stop touching you
Part of loving someone is desire and it can take many shapes and forms.
A woman who loves you wants to feel your presence, emotionally and physically.
You may notice that she’s forward in brushing up against you, giving you hugs often, holding your hand, wrapping her arm around you and kissing you.
The more she initiates physical contact, the more likely she is to love you.
Granted, shy girls are less likely to be as bold. So, when they engage in this behavior, then that further perpetuates the narrative of loving you or having a ridiculously high level of interest in you.
8. She gets jealous
Jealousy and possessiveness tend to go hand in hand. It also fires up when you want something that someone else has or may get.
One thing is for sure when people start to fall in love, they experience jealousy when that love is threatened and desired by other people.
You may notice that this girl starts to get jealous when you bring up other female friends or if some girl is checking you out.
She’ll try to conceal it but this will come across as if she’s bitter or cold. Alternatively, she’ll make a passing remark that is slightly derogatory towards the other girl or even you.
She may also become more possessive and start texting more, pulling you closer or giving other women the side-eye.
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9. She’s always supportive
When you love someone, there’s an innate desire to watch them thrive and do well in life.
You want to protect or nurture them whenever they’re going through adversity or if they’re pursuing something meaningful.
A woman who loves you will cheer you on and be supportive through thick and thin.
Her love will spur you on during weak moments and she’ll comfort you with her presence and energy.
You won’t have to beg for attention during rough patches because she’ll volunteer to be there for you.
I am of the belief that we are meant to seek out our purpose in life. The right partner will support this pursuit because she loves you.
10. She gets moody when you’re away for some time
Because she loves you, she’ll also experience some negative emotions at times when she feels unheard or misunderstood.
As much as giving a woman space to miss you can be helpful in nurturing attraction and desire, too much of it can create feelings of resentment, annoyance and loneliness.
That’s how love manifests when it isn’t being addressed or expressed.
She may seem moody and short with you but that’s all because she needs your presence and desires it a lot.
Once you give her that, you’ll notice that she feels much better and is cheerful again. That’s definitely one of the signs she loves you.
Just think of a little girl who gets cranky when she can’t get what she wants. She wants that thing so much that it upset her not being able to have it right now.
The same principle applies in this type of situation.
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11. She respects you
A woman will never be able to love you truly without respect. It is at the forefront of attraction and love.
- Respect is when she is willing to make an effort to nurture a relationship with you.
- Respect is when she is willing to acknowledge and alter her behavior when she is doing something rude, unwarranted or inconsiderate.
- Respect is when she will honor your boundaries and make an effort to show up to the relationship in a way that serves both of you.
All of this applies both ways and this is why respect is paramount for a relationship.
As long as a woman respects you, there’s a great chance she will always be attracted and fond of you.
12. She trusts you
The reason why a woman who loves you will trust you is that you cannot fall in love without trust.
She wouldn’t need to check up on you, scrutinize your behavior or accuse you incessantly of cheating or lying if she trusts you.
She may observe your behavior but she’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.
That’s what trust looks like.
Once trust is broken, love diminishes because respect is reliant on trust as well. And like we said above, a woman has to respect you to love you.
This is why it’s so important to be mature, honest, open and committed.
You have to behave in a way that encourages trustworthiness between the two of you.
13. She talks about you to her friends
Women who love you will talk about you to their friends and family. She’ll discuss everything with them because she’s so invested, excited and in love with you.
When you fall in love, it’s intoxicating and I’m sure you know how difficult it is to talk about anything else other than your partner.
All that dopamine and feel-good hormones are firing on all cylinders.
It’s a beautiful thing.
Conversely, when a woman is not in love with you, she won’t bother mentioning you to anyone because you’d just be one of the guys in her life.
14. She’s all over your social media accounts
One of the signs she loves you pertains to awareness. She adores you, loves you, respects you and trusts you.
She probably thinks about the future with you and hates the idea of losing you.
It’s just natural to share this with the world which is why she’s posting on your social media platforms.
It’s also another way of letting other girls know that she’s a presence and that you belong to her without being weird about it.
15. She doesn’t judge you for past mistakes
I have noticed that love is very forgiving and compassionate. It allows us to make some room for humanity and flaws.
That’s another attribute of love that I adore.
It isn’t reserved for perfection. On the contrary, it is accepting flaws and imperfections in the most perfect way.
You’ll feel understood and comfortable around her to just be yourself.
She’ll recognize your past mistakes for what they are, lessons that have developed you into the man that she loves.
Rather than holding you hostage to them, she’ll give you the love needed to feel liberated and safe with her.
In Conclusion
Let me tell you one last thing. When a woman loves you, she’ll bring up exclusivity and marriage.
By asking you where things are going, she’s actually implying that she wants something more serious with you.
What you have to do is ask her what she means by that and then lead her into a relationship or marriage with you.
Until then, focus on getting to know her, being open and honest, having fun and remaining confident.
Things will fall into place as they will. Don’t be afraid of rejection. You’ll be fine either way, I promise you.
What’s worse than rejection is regret, particularly the regret of not going after what your heart desires.
With that being said, I hope you found these signs she loves you to be insightful and eye-opening. If you have any questions or thoughts that you would like to share with me, please do so by leaving a comment down below.