Unresolved trust issues ruin relationships. It triggers anxiety, insecurity, fear, suspicion, and resentment like a terrifying virus until it breaks down the core of your connection. What’s left is just the carcass of what used to be a promising relationship. When you have a trusting relationship, nurture and value it with all of your heart. Do everything in your power to avoid situations that will tarnish trust, but if there are trust issues in a relationship, identify and resolve them as soon as possible. So let’s talk about the signs of trust issues in a relationship.
What Are The Most Common Signs Of Trust Issues?

1. Lack Of Open Communication
The fear of being left or cheated on may influence people to wear a mask within their relationship.
This presents itself as hesitancy or reluctancy to discuss certain topics or issues, as well as difficulty sharing thoughts and feelings openly.
In some cases, couples avoid open dialogue out of fear that their admissions will be weaponized against them in fights or arguments. These are all telltale signs of trust issues in a relationship.
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2. Frequent Accusations
People with trust issues are often paranoid, and this can manifest as unfounded suspicions and baseless accusations without concrete evidence.
The need for regular questioning of each other’s actions and behavior without actual signs of deceit indicates a lack of trust or paranoia.
3. Overanalyzing Behavior
Trust issues arouse feelings of anxiety and paranoia in most people. Being indifferent is not an option because we care about the relationships in our lives.
To ease anxiety, we seek answers, and that can create a desire to overly scrutinize every detail of our partners’ behavior and actions.
When you’re observing someone with suspicious eyes, it’s easy to paint them in a bad light, suspecting them of manipulative behavior or ulterior motives.
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4. Secrecy And Withholding Information
Sometimes people withhold information from their partners because they’re so afraid of being wrongfully accused of infidelity or betrayal.
Ironically, trust issues inspire secrecy, and secrecy creates trust issues.
5. Jealousy
None of us are above the feeling of jealousy, and it’s natural to feel threatened by someone who could pose a risk to our relationship.
But love and trust prevail, and we can rely on shared values to prevent jealousy from intensifying or influencing us.
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Trust issues have the propensity to intensify the feeling of jealousy, even without valid reasons for concern.
In turn, jealousy can manifest itself as extreme anger or stonewalling towards each other over harmless interactions with other people.
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6. Inability To Trust Previous Apologies
When trust has been broken, resentment and hurt can linger for years, and how it shows itself is through rumination and constant reminders of past events.
Someone who distrusts their partner and their declarations of remorse will often discard or overlook apologies.
They may bring up past issues, regardless of how many apologies have been given.
7. Excessive Need For Reassurance
If there has been some form of betrayal or deceit, it may trigger a constant need for validation and reassurance from a partner, specifically about their feelings of desire, commitment, and love.
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8. Emotional Distance
A relationship requires a great degree of openness and vulnerability. It’s easier to surrender oneself to a relationship when there isn’t any reason to distrust each other.
Once trust issues develop, either from the relationship or a traumatic past, emotional distancing becomes a coping mechanism whenever people feel vulnerable. We put barriers up when we fear the likelihood or probability of getting hurt again.
Whenever the relationship appears to be progressing, they may pull back or self-sabotage because of their trust issues.
9. Monitoring And Controlling Behavior
People who are insecure and fearful of loss sometimes fall victim to their own emotions to the point of being controlled.
They can start checking their partner’s phone, social media, and emails without permission.
At the same time, they make ultimatums when it comes to who their partner socializes with.
This behavior is one of the common signs of trust issues in a relationship, whether warranted or unwarranted.
10. History Of Betrayal Or Infidelity
More often than not, someone who has a history of betrayal or infidelity will either display trust issues out of fear of getting hurt or they’ll display them as a form of projection for their own character flaws and past indiscretions.
Unless old wounds are healed, they will continue to bother a person until they sabotage future relationships or seek help.