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What Does It Mean If My Ex Ignores Me But Doesn’t Block Me? (Solved)

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ex ignores me, my ex ignores me, ex ignores you but didn't block you, your ex ignores you but doesn't block you

Before social media, when a couple broke up, they wouldn’t hear from each other again unless they cross paths in real life. It made breakups incredibly difficult but it also helped with moving on. These days, however, we have the luxury of constantly remaining in contact with our exes on social media. Perhaps, you’re in this boat and you’re trying to figure out what it means if your ex ignores you but doesn’t block you.

Just because your ex ignores you but doesn’t block you doesn’t mean that you should continue to reach out and text them. It’s possible that your ex is still upset with you which is why they’re ignoring you but there’s also the possibility that they are entertained and amused by your attempts to win them back.

Nothing is more demoralizing and detrimental to dignity than a person who chases an ex incessantly and without restrictions.

You should never sell your self-respect.


Good question!

Because if you can’t respect yourself, how do you expect someone else to respect you?

Furthermore, before love, respect must exist. If a man or woman does not respect you, they will never fall in love with you.

People stick around in failing relationships long after love has diminished. It’s when respect completely disappears when someone is ready to exit a relationship.

So, be conscious of this when you are making any decisions related to your ex.

Ask yourself the following questions, am I being respectful to myself by doing this or that?

If the answer is no, then you need to stop what you are doing and take a good long hard look at yourself in the mirror to figure out why you are disrespecting yourself in this manner.

Does the love of another person have more importance to you than the love you have for yourself?

It should never be this way.

This is a recipe for absolute disaster.

If you would like a step-by-step explanation on how to get an ex back or to re-attract someone who lost interest, grab a copy of my ebook called Reconcile. I put this guide together for serious students of the game who want to cut through the fluff and get results in their love life. Click Here To Check It Out! 

You will never get your ex back by behaving like a person who doesn’t have self-respect. 

Will a self-respecting person continue to text an ex who ignores them?

What’s the honest answer to this question? 

You know it. 

Deep down, you know what the answer is.

But, in the event that you don’t, I’m going to answer this question as clearly as I possibly can.


A self-respecting person will not chase after someone who ignores them.

The end. 

You need to read this article: What should I do if my ex changed her number?

Stop Texting Your Ex If They Are Ignoring You

ex ignores me, my ex ignores me, ex ignores you but didn't block you, your ex ignores you but doesn't block you

If you’ve made a few attempts to get your ex back but were met with silence, it’s best to walk away and give them space.

There could be a number of plausible reasons why your ex is ignoring you.

  • They’re not available to rekindle something with you.
  • They’re dating other people.
  • They’re still angry and upset with you.
  • They don’t trust you as yet.
  • They need space to figure out what they want.
  • They’re confused and uncertain of whether to talk to you or not.
  • They need time to get past the issue that led to your breakup.

Don’t put yourself in a situation of burning bridges because you were not catching onto the signs of disinterest right now.

Before we continue with this article, I just want to let you know about my new book called Reconcile – Get Your Ex Back Without Chasing. It’s a step-by-step guide on how to get your ex back or to move on and find someone better. Rather than browse through dozens of articles or videos, this guide has everything you need to know that has worked for hundreds of my clients.

In all honesty, timing plays a great factor in relationships.

If the timing isn’t right and your ex is ignoring you, it makes little to no sense to chase them and text them.

Here’s what you should do if your ex ignores you but won’t block you.

Keep them around if it doesn’t affect you mentally and emotionally. 

Initiate no contact without informing them of your decision.

In other words, suddenly stop texting them.

I take it that you’ve already been trying to get in contact with your ex which is why you were ignored.

Don’t announce your decision to stop texting them.

Chances are such that they expect you to continue your chase.

They’re under the assumption that you will keep texting and begging them to take you back. 

By suddenly seizing all contact, you’re doing something unexpected and unpredictable. It goes against the impression your ex has of you. Also, it’s a self-respecting decision to walk away from someone who won’t give you the time of day. 

Then, carry on with your life.

Commit to never initiating contact with them again.

Even if they post status updates or pictures that emotionally trigger you, do not act on these feelings.

Just be there.

And while you’re at it, when a few weeks have passed, start posting updates of what you are up to or random pictures of you looking great.

The goal isn’t to sell a fake narrative that you are feeling great or that you have moved on.

That’s childish behavior.

You’re simply going about your life, posting random updates and allowing the spark of mystery to take place in your ex’s mind.

The alternative is to just delete your ex and never reach out to them again.

Even that decision is great.

But, I know that some people struggle with this at first and they need to work up to it.

The greatest obstacle to overcome when dealing with rejection or a breakup is the uncontrollable need to control or change your circumstances.

This situation evokes a desire to do something or to take action.

We are in a state of desperate fear and our instinct is to do something to change the situation we find ourselves in.

But, it’s a trick.

In reality, the correct decision is to take no action at all.

In other words, inaction is the action one must take when trying to win back an ex.

The only situation in which this may not apply is when you destroyed the relationship by cheating or taking your ex for granted without providing any love or support.

Then, you would benefit from patiently persevering and proving your commitment to love them and grow into someone respectful.

It doesn’t automatically mean that you will get your ex back but it will provide you with some comfort, especially when you ruined the relationship.

At a certain point, though, you may need to walk away especially if it becomes abundantly clear that there’s no chance of reconciling.

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Walk Away To Get Your Ex Back Or To Move On

ex ignores me, my ex ignores me, ex ignores you but didn't block you, your ex ignores you but doesn't block you

If you notice something about my advice, it’s not manipulative or based on some secret technique that will magically win your ex back.

I’m just sharing principles that come almost naturally to people who have experience with building respect or behaving with dignity. 

When you are realistic and committed to being honorable to others but also to yourself, it’s simpler to make the right decisions in your life.

Often, these decisions are not easy to make.

Don’t conflate simple decisions with easy decisions.

They are not the same.

Sometimes, the simplest decision could be the hardest. Often, the right decisions in life will bring about some discomfort, sacrifice and suffering at first. But, that’s the price one must pay to reap the amazing rewards.

It only makes sense to walk away from an ex who doesn’t want to communicate.

I know that romantic novels and movies promote this unrealistic idea that you should constantly fight to win your ex back.

You’re led to believe that grand gestures and consistently pestering your ex is the best way to change their mind.

But, if you try that approach, in reality, it rarely ever works out.

You should always strive to love someone in a way that makes them feel free.

Is it really loving of you to constantly chase an ex who isn’t happy to be in a relationship with you?

How is that a loving thing to do?

Don’t you want your ex to be happy? Don’t you want to honor your love by giving them the freedom to seek out what they truly want?

I know how painful and difficult this is.

What I’m suggesting is behavior that will hurt and require every bit of willpower you have.

But, in the end, if it’s the right thing to do, you should do it.

There have been people in my life who I have had to let go of.

Even though I didn’t want to, I realized that keeping them around was only self-serving. We wouldn’t be able to reconcile and so remaining in contact would be nothing but a disservice to them.

Guess what?

In walking away, you’ll either get your ex back or you’ll move on to the next chapter of your life and eventually meet the next love of your life.

Even if you don’t meet someone, you’ll grow as a person and learn how to be happy and strong as a single individual.

There’s a great deal of merit to self-realization.

Be that as it may, I encourage you to walk away with the intention of healing and growing as a person.

Don’t just initiate no contact and sit around waiting for your ex to come back.

That’s a waste of your time! 

Life is not guaranteed so you may as well use this time to improve physically, emotionally and mentally. 

It’s not going to be easy but it’s going to be the right thing to do.

You’re not going to feel normal for a while but you just have to focus on getting in some wins every single day.

I can’t pinpoint an exact day but you’ll wake up one morning and realize that you’re okay and all those difficult days have led to this moment. 

At that point, when you’ve felt some happiness as a single person, you’ll know whether there’s a genuine desire to reconcile with your ex or not.

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Final Thoughts

That brings us to the end of this article on what it means if your ex ignores you but doesn’t block you.

I want you to know that time and effort will heal your emotional wounds.

Just take some time to reflect on what you deserve and what you truly need.

Then, be courageous and do exactly what you need to do.

There are millions of people going through the exact same thing that you are experiencing right now.

There have been billions of people throughout history who have been through loss and who overcame the loss.

You will be able to find happiness again, be it with your ex, with yourself or with someone else.

Before you go, if you need expert and personal help to deal with a complex issue like this with your ex, you can reach out to me for email coaching by visiting my services page for more information. I’ve helped more people than I can count to get their ex back and/or move on to someone better. I’m pretty sure that I can help you with your situation as well.

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